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Bedmate 28: The law of Attraction and Satisfaction

Human mind generally depends on stereotype conception. A person generally judges another person on the basis of his stereotype conception. What we understand by stereotype conception is the concept we get about a person on the very first look or meeting. If the first impression of a man/woman is positive, it makes others attracted to him or her; but if negative, it creates a repulsive attitude in other peoples’ mind.
As in the case of attraction, stereotype conception plays the vital role, so does attraction in a relationship. It is natural for human beings to feel attracted to the opposite sex. Some people think that it’s only the men who are attracted to women while the women are not. This is a fully wrong conception. Both the male and the female feel attracted towards their opposite sex. But the mode of expression varies. Men are straight in expressing their attraction to women whereas women turn up to be just the opposite. To build up a good relationship, attraction from the sides is essential. Both the female and the male should be attracted to one another. It’s the prerequisite of a relation.

The criteria of attraction are variable. They vary from person to person according to their choices. No two individuals are alike. It is also true in regards of their taste on which the choice of partner basically depends. The feelings of attraction drive us to a nice relation and the more intense the attraction is, the deeper the relationship grows. So, to make a relationship, one must have to become able to attract his/her desired person. A person’s feelings of attraction basically depend on what he/she likes. So, to attract someone towards oneself, one has to do according to the likings of one’s desired person. As time passes by, attraction becomes intense. Human mind is such a thing that once it gets stuck to something, it can’t leave or move from that to the other. Likewise, once a person appears to be attractive to someone, the attraction increases as time passes by. So, the first impression is the most important factor to others.

Likewise, a sweet and harmonic relationship is a prerequisite for a satisfactory relationship. The more the partners are attracted to each other, the more they get satisfied with each other. Attraction is also a sexual stimulator since sex plays a vital role in the development and continuation of a relationship. Satisfaction in a relationship also includes sexual satisfaction and mental satisfaction. Here, we see the deep inter-relation between these terms. None of them can be thought about by leaving another. Each of them is related to each other.
As we know, love is the best doctor, so we can say that mental satisfaction is impossible without love and love doesn’t happen without the feelings of attraction. This is the universal law of attraction and satisfaction. Sex is one of the great means of pleasure for both man and woman. People search tranquility and enjoyment with this activity. God has created sex in the universe and we enjoy it as his blessing. Actually, it is a gift from God to us.

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